○吉澤指物店3代目 吉澤良一
昭和 38 年、3 代目指物師として群馬県沼田市に生まれる。18 歳で漆の修行のため浅草へ。20~24 歳まで京都大阪にて舞台美術や舞台照明を学び、劇団座付き舞台監督となり 集団幻想論に思いを馳せる。
その後2 代目実父の工房へ戻り以後 30 年、生まれ育った沼田市を拠点に指物師・塗物師としてはもちろん、アーティスト肌の職人としてモノづくりと向き合う。己の制作欲に浸りきり没頭して何かを生み出すようなことはなく、人との会話を重視し、相手との間にあるものを形にしていく。また、家族と自然の中で過ごす余白の時間のなかの気づきを創作に活かすことを大切にしている。
-Ryoichi YOSHIZAWA / 3rd Generation, Yoshizawa Wood & Lacquer Works
Born in 1963 in Numata City, Gumma Pref.
As the 3rd generation of a renowned joiner in the region, Ryoichi had stepped into the world of woodworks by becoming an apprentice to the famous lacquerers in Tokyo at the age of 18, From 20 to 24, he happened to study stage art and stage lighting in Osaka and Kyoto, which further lead him to his deep thought for group illusion. For over 30 years, Ryoichi had been a woodworker, lacquerer, and an artistic craftsman. He had naturally been behaving as an artist, rather than just being a skilled craftsman.
Now and still based in Numata, Ryoichi enjoys to discuss and share thoughts and feelings with his clients. His originality and aesthetic sense may have been rooted to his past of engaging in stage design and lighting design in the mid 30s, however, what he loves is the process of sharing. Conversation is the key element of his works.
○吉澤 真
-Shin YOSHIZAWA / Yoshizawa Wood & Lacquer Works
Born in 1996 in Numata City, Gumma Pref.
After graduating from business high school in the city, he studied under Ryoichi Yoshizawa, the third generation of Yoshizawa Wood & Laquer Works at the age of 18.

○ お問い合わせ
在庫品のストック状況や特注のご相談など、お気軽にお問合せください。また、現場打合せや宿泊を含めた現場作業も多いため、工場見学をご希望でしたら あわせて事前連絡をお願いしております。
〒378-0001 群馬県沼田市戸神町 848-1
吉澤指物店 吉澤 良一・真
TEL: 090-3436-8607
-For inquiries
For inquiries about any products or about our studio, kindly contact us via contact form. We will reply within 3 business days. Thank you in advance.